Despite the apparently risk of failure, the other day I made a job chart for my Dear Jimmy. But in grown up terms it is more commonly referred to as "The Honey-do list". This may seems like an odd thing to hand over to your husband but when you have a guy like mine, it makes perfect sense. It was actually his idea. Not only do I not have to nag him over and over to do the 3 things I want him to do, but he actually really LOVES to cross things off a list. I knew this about him for a long time and I don't know why just now I have realized to implement this technique. Whenever I want some music downloaded, I will write it down and within a day or two I will have it. He crosses off the days on the calendar, he makes lists for himself and he is so good at his job because they give him and "action list" of grants that need to be written, so he is consistently 2 months ahead of schedule.
The list is simple: His 5 chores are at the top, the middle is things we get to do together, and at the bottom is my list of 15-20 things I have to do. How could he complain about what he has to do when he can clearly see I have given myself so much more work?!? I wrote up the list after he went to sleep and simply set it next to the door so he would see it before leaving for work the next morning. That night, he immediately had 3 things crossed off. I knew this would happen but was still surprised it happened so quickly and with such fervor! Especially since he had a movie to go to that night he still managed to work it all in.
I am hoping this technique will not wear off like our job charts seemed to when we were kids but I have a feeling it wont since Jimmy has never seen a list he didn't like. I REALLY hope it always works because as the list for house projects goes down, the quality time in the bedroom goes up! It's amazing how that works, isn't it?
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