Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Will this momma wife ever get a full nights sleep?

My DH (dear Husband) is by far one of the most amazing men I have ever met. He is hilarious, witty, smart, good looking, talented, spontaneous yet responsible, driven, passionate, loving, successful, sexy, kind and a very very good.......mommas boy.

DH is very close to his mother and has always treated her (and his father) like gold. I of course find this very rare and respectable. However, I often times wish that he wasn't SO attached to the apron strings. His mother is an incredibly amazing and generous woman. She is and always was so good to him. Too good in fact. She usually gave him whatever he wanted and if she didn't- I am confident he whined until she did.

I knew before I married him that I would have to help him grow up. While I love the playful, carefree, unconditional loving parts of him, The other parts can get quite exhausting (just like all the mothers out there). I think that since I met him he has grown from a 3 year old into a 5 year old. Ergo: He matures 1 year for every three years of my hard child rearing work. Based on this formula: I will get a full grown mature adult boy in about 100 years. Good thing we plan to grow old together!

I have been thinking about writing of my experiences for a little while now and after this mornings antics, I figured today was a great day to start.

Trying to get a good night's sleep is a chore,

Ever since I have been married- it just won't happen anymore!

But I guess it's preparing me, to have a little son,

And geeze I hope he will be easier than my first one!

He stays up too late, the energy just won't stop

Watching t.v. and playing games on his laptop

And when I finally demand the electronics to cease

He likes to hear stories and play games til he sleeps

Then of course my mind races from all the games

And I lay awake having a second-wind brain

He sleeps like the dead- into dreamland he soars

And I lie there trying to drown out his tractor-like snore.

I finally drift to sleep but its just for a spell

Or that's what it seems like, from what I can tell

Three awful alarms blare off just five hours later

I am still so tired I feel like I've been hit by a freighter

Stuff a pillow over my head, try to go back to sleep!

If I am lucky today, then he won't make a peep!

How could I even pretend that is what he will do?

When he stomps around the house like a 2 year old in boots

In the tub and out, then up the stairs and back down

Turn on the light, "where's my keys? Help me look all around!"

He claims he has no time to feed the puppy dog

And if he has to poddy, I'll have to take him for a jog

Eventually when I arrive at a semi conscious state

I manage to stumble out and start my work day

And somehow I know that later on that same night

We will start it all again, this sleeping marriage plight!


  1. I love your poem!!!!!! I am so excited you have a blog!!!!!! :)

  2. YOU need one!!!!!! Its amazing therapy!
